Live, Work, and Play with Less Shame and Self-Judgment

Receive personal support and implement soulful practices to increase your self-awareness and step into your power to build the life and business you want.

Gain Clarity and Inspiration with Intuitive Guidance

Are you longing to live, work, and play in alignment with less shame and self-judgment?

Intuitive readings blending tarot and oracle cards can help you to:,

  • Explore your sensual self,

  • Give yourself a permission slip,

  • Facilitate your inner dialogue,

  • Tap into (and trust) your soulful wisdom,

  • Take aligned action in your business,

  • Be more intentional in your daily life.

a woman sitting on top of a rock writing
a woman sitting on top of a rock writing

Who Are Intuitive Readings For?

An intuitive reading can be for you if you are:

  • Independent souls

  • Spiritual seekers

  • Creatives and dreamers

  • Life transitioners

  • Shy adventurers

  • A tarot enthusiast

1-hour readings help lessen self-judgement and shame around identity, work, and play, thanks to a safe space, and open-minded intuitive guidance.

a tarot deck deck with a picture of a woman holding a sword
a tarot deck deck with a picture of a woman holding a sword

Join the Shameless Lair on Patreon

The patriarchy has given sensuality a bad reputation. It's time for women and femmes to explore their sensual self in agency and alignment.

Are you a woman and/or femme individual looking for a sacred and safe space to explore your sensual self?

When joining the Shameless Lair, women and femmes (who are 18+) get access to an inclusive community with intuitive practices and educational resources for their journey, so they can explore and embrace their sensual self with less shame and self-judgment.

What do we mean by sensuality?

Grounded pleasurable experiences, which engage up to all 6 senses, in a non-sexual or sexual way.

6 senses? Where did you learn math?

We often say that the brain is a critical sex organ, and I take it a step further by considering “brain tingles” or “brain happies” as our 6th sense.

This is why the Shameless Lair is a holistic space that goes deeper than the basics so we can find what truly works for us at a soul-level and gives us opportunities to lean into our curiosity and experiment.

For example, storytelling can create engrossing experiences that heighten our sensuality and allow us to venture deeper into uncharted territory about ourselves (or revisit spaces that bring us a lot of pleasure).

a woman with a red hat and a video cameraa woman with a red hat and a video camera
a woman with a video camera and a video of a woman in a leopard printa woman with a video camera and a video of a woman in a leopard print
a woman with glasses and a necklace on her neck
a woman with glasses and a necklace on her neck

I have been lucky enough to have two tarot readings with Natacha so far, about very different topics and yet both showed some common themes in my life. Natacha helped me zoom out on the areas in my life that I was feeling stuck on, she provided wisdom and insight in a caring and compassionate way and she offered specific actions I could implement in my life right away. I listened to Natacha and the cards that came up in my reading and am already seeing my life improve in real and meaningful ways. I am so thankful to Natacha for helping me gain clarity, insight and focus and highly recommend tarot readings with her for literally any area of life you would like to bring your best self to.
